Big Advantages of an Energy-Efficient House

Who doesn’t like to save money, especially when it has to do with energy costs? When you have an energy-efficient home that utilizes smart home technology, your utilities are lower, and you’re more comfortable. Read on to discover our top tips for energy savings during any season.


Tip 1 - Eliminate Energy Vampires

You've probably heard of vampires, but what about energy vampires? It's all of the unused idling appliances you thought were turned off but are still using little bits of energy. Even though they're off, each device (small and large) can be using power that increases your energy bill. These energy vampires can add up to as much as 20% of your electric bill.


Here are some examples of devices that can run up your utility costs:

  • Big screen TV
  • Clock radio
  • Computer cords
  • Coffee pots
  • DVD, DVR, VCR players
  • Garage door opener
  • Microwave
  • Modems
  • MP3 players
  • Stereo
  • Printers
  • Routers
  • Video game consoles


When you have a smart home hub that controls all of your appliances and devices, it can also turn them completely off when you're not using them. Walk around your home, and you'll be surprised by the number of lurking energy vampires you'll find in every room. From the living room to the kitchen and bedrooms to the home office, you'll be able to uncover what's making your bill so high. With a smart technology hub, you can make sure all of your devices and appliances aren't being vampires and draining your energy and pocketbook.


Plus, along with stopping energy leakage, this hub can give you instant control. Just like when you ask the Echo, Google Home, or Siri to play your favorite song, you can have it lower or raise the temperature of the room too. When you use voice control, and pre-recorded energy settings, saving energy becomes easier.


Smart automation saves you money and keeps your home more energy efficient.


Tip 2 – Smart Devices that Save You Money

Here are two more pieces of smart technology that will help you be more comfortable while saving money:


Smart Thermostat

Since you want your home as comfortable as possible, you're probably using energy every hour of the day and night. But, when you use smart thermostats, you can take advantage of advanced programming that records and remembers your energy usage. With this type of precise control, you can cut your energy heating and cooling costs while enjoying the correct temperature to keep you comfortable. Plus, you'll save time not having to jump up and down and adjust the thermostat. A smart thermostat can also cool or heat your home to just the right temperature before you arrive. You are no longer coming back to the house to find it too hot or too cold.


Smart Outlets

With smart switches, you can add remote control to lamps, overhead lights, fans, appliances, and more. Control via voice or an app. It's easy. If you forgot to turn the lights off before you left home, you can turn them off with a smart app. Too warm? Use voice control to turn on an overhead ceiling fan. Having more control using smart technology saves you money on wasted energy and time by not having to run home to double-check the house. You'll save money when you have a smart, energy-efficient home.


Tip 3 - Energy Rooftop Solar & Electric Car Chargers

Smart home automation even extends to your roof with rooftop solar installations and in-home battery energy storage. Rooftop solar panels are the latest in energy efficiency for smart homes. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing, but the energy they produce can also cut your bill by approximately one-third in usage.


EV Charging Stations - If you're one of the millions of Americans who decided to go electric for an automobile, you might consider having an EV charging station installed. The main advantage of having electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is speed charge, and since it's faster, you use less energy. Pulte Homes recently partnered with Leviton to offer built-in EV charging stations in some of their homes.


Pulte is a leading new home builder when it comes to incorporating smart technology. If you’d like to learn more about the latest in smart home technology visit Pulte Smart Home. You’ll be amazed at what’s available.



Contributed to Your Home blog by Carol Youmans

Looking for more tips, ideas, or inspiration? Return Home here.

Published 2.12.2020

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